
We are currently closed for submissions. Please check back in 2025.

To everyone who submitted a manuscript before June 2024, we deeply appreciate your patience as we review all submissions. Thank you for getting in touch with us!

The Little Dipper Publishing is open to accepting picture book manuscript submissions from you!

We know the decision to share your work with us is a significant step,thank you for choosing to submit a piece of your heart to us.

Here are some things you can keep in mind before you hit the send button of your email to us:

  1. The current word count for Picture books (2-8 years)  we like is 450-750 words only.
  2. The current word count for Chapter books (7-10 years) we like is 4500-7500 words only.
  3. Please know that if you are submitting a manuscript you do not need to provide us with illustrations.
  4. Please make sure all your submissions are sent to us in pdf format only.
  5. You can email us your submissions to this email id: &
  6. If you are an illustrator you can email your work too.

To everyone who submitted a manuscript before June 2024, we deeply appreciate your patience as we review all submissions. Thank you for getting in touch with us!

Beige Watercolor Illustrated International Children’s Book Day Your Story